About me
Krzysztof Kowalczyk
"The beauty of a smile consists in mixing finiteness and infinity in the right proportions"
Dental treatments
Dental services in which I specialize
Endodontics is a root canal treatment. The treatment consists of mechanical and chemical cleaning and widening of the root canals. Then the tooth chamber is filled with a specialized agent. Patients often before visiting dentist they experience severe pain. The most common discomfort is caused by the infection of the pulp and periodontium of the tooth. Our main goal is to preserve the patient's properly healed roots, which are used to rebuild the damaged crown. If you want to treat your teeth painlessly, visit ours dentist.
Treatment under the microscope
Endodontist has very large diagnostic possibilities. Currently, using the latest technological solutions, it is possible to innovate endodontic treatment under the microscope. Dentist diagnoses the entire three-dimensional root canal system. The use of a microscope increases the diagnostic capabilities of the roots and allows you to find small cavities. Then the endodontist is able to reach the deeply located sections of the root canals, as well as illuminate his operating field. We guarantee the precision of execution and a painless procedure. We invite you, visit ours dental offices.
Aesthetic dentistry in Warsaw most often uses implants. They are a way to regain a beautiful smile after losing treated teeth. Dental implants give patients a great sense of comfort.
Dentist prepares the patient by conducting a medical interview with him and ordering the necessary tests. Then he selects the appropriate element for the construction of the jaw. The final stage is carrying out the procedure. You wonder how much do maxillary implants cost? It varies depending on the city tooth implant price. Warsaw offers different rates, which depend on many factors.
Aesthetic dentistry
Warsaw offers a number of dental offices, thanks to which aesthetic dentistry it is growing faster and faster. We offer a wide range of services, including the installation of veneers and ceramic crowns, teeth whitening and dental prosthetics. Warsaw is famous for a large number of good doctors devoting the maximum amount of time to their patients.
White, straight teeth are the desire of most people. Unfortunately, in many cases hygiene alone and regular treatment of cavities are not enough. If you dream of a beautiful smile, we encourage you to visit ours dental offices in Warsaw.